Τετάρτη 7 Νοεμβρίου 2012


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WCC and CEC will pay visit to Greece amidst financial crisis

[Joint release with the Conference of European Churches (CEC)]

As Greece goes through a deep financial crisis, causing a state of unrest and insecurity among its citizens, an ecumenical delegation will be visiting Greek churches from 18 to 21 November. The delegates aim to invoke prayers, express solidarity and support churches in the country.
Headed by the general secretaries of the World Council of Churches (WCC) and the Conference of European Churches (CEC), the delegation will represent a number of churches and ecumenical organizations in Europe.
The visit comes after the concerns over the economic crisis in Greece, expressed by the governing bodies of the WCC and CEC. Both organizations’ Central Committees met in Crete in September this year and issued public statements on the financial crisis in Greece.
“We call upon all our member churches to lift up the people of Greece in their prayers amidst the financial crisis, which affects the lives of communities in severe ways,” said the Rev. Dr Olav Fykse Tveit, the WCC general secretary ahead of the visit.
“The churches in Greece are faced with the challenge of responding to personal tragedies that are a direct outcome of unemployment and impoverishment. In these times, we are expressing solidarity with the Greek churches through our visit,” he added.
During the visit, delegates will meet with members of the Church of Greece and the Evangelical Church in Greece, as well as government officials. This will include a meeting with Hieronymos II, Archbishop of Athens and All Greece and Primate of the Autocephalous Orthodox Church of Greece.
“In a time of continuing, deep economic recession, our faith gives us strength to face unemployment, poverty and anxiety – not simply as individuals, but as a community with an ethical memory rooted in the gospel,” said the Rev. Dr Guy Liagre, the general secretary of CEC.
“The impact of the current crisis in Greece and in other European countries will likely be felt for years to come. The church is not immune to this as economic systems are not ‘laws unto themselves’ free from religious and moral constraints,” added Liagre.
The delegates will also visit projects led by the Greek churches, as well as communities affected directly by the economic hardships.

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